
gskxmlrpc — XMLRPC definitions


enum        GskXmlrpcType;
GskXmlrpcStruct* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_new      (void);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_free          (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_int32     (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gint32 value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_boolean   (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gboolean value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_double    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gdouble value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_string    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             const char *value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_date      (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gulong value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_data      (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             GByteArray *data);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_struct    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_array     (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *array);
gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_date     (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gulong *out);
gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_boolean  (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gboolean *out);
gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_double   (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             double *out);
GskXmlrpcStruct* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_struct
                                            (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);
const GByteArray* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_data
                                            (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);
GskXmlrpcArray* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_array
                                            (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);
const char* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_string   (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);
gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_int32    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gint32 *out);
GskXmlrpcArray* gsk_xmlrpc_array_new        (void);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_free           (GskXmlrpcArray *array);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_int32      (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gint32 value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_boolean    (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gboolean value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_double     (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gdouble value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_string     (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             const char *value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_date       (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gulong value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_data       (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             GByteArray *data);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_struct     (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_array      (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *subarray);
GskXmlrpcRequest* gsk_xmlrpc_request_new    (GskXmlrpcStream *xmlrpc_stream);
GskXmlrpcRequest* gsk_xmlrpc_request_ref    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_unref        (GskXmlrpcRequest *request);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_set_name     (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             const char *name);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_int32    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gint32 value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_boolean  (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gboolean value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_double   (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gdouble value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_string   (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             const char *value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_date     (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gulong value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_data     (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GByteArray *data);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_struct   (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_array    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *array);
GskXmlrpcResponse* gsk_xmlrpc_response_new  (void);
GskXmlrpcResponse* gsk_xmlrpc_response_ref  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_unref       (GskXmlrpcResponse *response);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_int32   (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gint32 value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_boolean (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gboolean value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_double  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gdouble value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_string  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             const char *value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_date    (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gulong value);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_data    (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GByteArray *data);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_struct  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_array   (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *array);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_fault       (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *structure);
GskXmlrpcParser* gsk_xmlrpc_parser_new      (GskXmlrpcStream *stream);
gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_parser_feed          (GskXmlrpcParser *parser,
                                             const char *text,
                                             gssize len,
                                             GError **error);
GskXmlrpcRequest* gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_request
                                            (GskXmlrpcParser *parser);
GskXmlrpcResponse* gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_response
                                            (GskXmlrpcParser *parser);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_parser_free          (GskXmlrpcParser *parser);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_to_buffer    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GskBuffer *buffer);
void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_to_buffer   (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskBuffer *buffer);


This file contains types mapping to the XMLRPC standard fundamental types, structures, arrays and faults. It contains a generic parser that has no I/O dependencies.



typedef struct {
  unsigned len;
  GskXmlrpcValue *values;
} GskXmlrpcArray;

An array of XMLRPC values. Each may have a different type.

GskXmlrpcValue *values; the values in the array.


typedef struct {
  unsigned n_members;
  GskXmlrpcNamedValue *members;
} GskXmlrpcStruct;

A structure, which is a set of named members.


typedef struct {
  GskXmlrpcType type;
    int v_int32;
    gboolean v_boolean;
    double v_double;
    char *v_string;
    gulong v_date;
    GByteArray *v_binary_data;
    GskXmlrpcStruct *v_struct;
    GskXmlrpcArray *v_array;
  } data;
} GskXmlrpcValue;

A XMLRPC value that may be of any of the XMLRPC types. The type is included with the value.


typedef struct {
  char *name;
  GskXmlrpcValue value;
} GskXmlrpcNamedValue;

A name/value pair, appropriate as a structure member.

char *name; the string, name, label.
GskXmlrpcValue value; the typed value.


typedef struct {
  unsigned magic;		/* private, must be first */
  char *method_name;
  GskXmlrpcArray *params;
  GskXmlrpcStream *xmlrpc_stream;
} GskXmlrpcRequest;

An XMLRPC request (invocation).


typedef struct {
  unsigned magic;		/* private, must be first */

  GskXmlrpcArray *params;
  gboolean has_fault;
  GskXmlrpcValue fault;
} GskXmlrpcResponse;

An XMLRPC response (return).


typedef struct _GskXmlrpcParser GskXmlrpcParser;

An object which can parse XMLRPC requests and responses, in any order. It does no interpretation of the requests or responses.

enum GskXmlrpcType

typedef enum
} GskXmlrpcType;

The type of a XMLRPC value.

GSK_XMLRPC_INT32 a 32-bit integer.
GSK_XMLRPC_BOOLEAN a boolean value, written as 0 or 1.
GSK_XMLRPC_DOUBLE a double-precission floating-point value.
GSK_XMLRPC_STRING a string value, NUL-terminated.
GSK_XMLRPC_DATE a date and time.
GSK_XMLRPC_BINARY_DATA binary data, which will be transmitted as base64, but is always presented to the user as raw bytes.
GSK_XMLRPC_STRUCT a set of named values.
GSK_XMLRPC_ARRAY an array of values.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_new ()

GskXmlrpcStruct* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_new      (void);

Allocate a new structure, with no members.

Returns : the newly allocated structure.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_free ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_free          (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure);

Free memory associated with an XMLRPC struct.

structure : the structure to free.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_int32 ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_int32     (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gint32 value);

Add a single int32 member to the given struct.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new int32 member.
value : value of the new int32 member.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_boolean ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_boolean   (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gboolean value);

Add a single boolean member to the given struct.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new boolean member.
value : value of the new boolean member.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_double ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_double    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gdouble value);

Add a single double member to the given struct.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new double member.
value : value of the new double member.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_string ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_string    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             const char *value);

Add a single string member to the given struct.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new string member.
value : value of the new string member.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_date ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_date      (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gulong value);

Add a single date member to the given struct.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new date member.
value : value of the new date member.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_data ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_data      (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             GByteArray *data);

Add a single data member to the given struct.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new date member.
data : binary data to add, which will be freed by the structure when it is freed.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_struct ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_struct    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);

Add a structure as a member of another structure.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new struct member.
substructure : substructure to add, which will be freed by structure when it is freed.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_array ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_struct_add_array     (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *array);

Add an array as a member of a structure.

structure : the structure to append to.
member_name : name of the new struct member.
array : subarray to add, which will be freed by structure when it is freed.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_date ()

gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_date     (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gulong *out);

Lookup a named date member of a structure, storing the result, if any, in out.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
out : place to store the result.
Returns : whether there was an date member named member_name.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_boolean ()

gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_boolean  (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gboolean *out);

Lookup a named boolean member of a structure, storing the result, if any, in out.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
out : place to store the result.
Returns : whether there was an boolean member named member_name.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_double ()

gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_double   (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             double *out);

Lookup a named double member of a structure, storing the result, if any, in out.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
out : place to store the result.
Returns : whether there was an double member named member_name.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_struct ()

GskXmlrpcStruct* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_struct
                                            (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);

Lookup a named substructure member of a structure, returning a reference to the GskXmlrpcStruct result, or NULL.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
Returns : a reference (not a copy!) to the struct, or NULL.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_data ()

const GByteArray* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_data
                                            (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);

Lookup a named binary-data member of a structure, returning a reference to the GByteArray result, or NULL.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
Returns : a reference (not a copy!) to the binary data, or NULL.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_array ()

GskXmlrpcArray* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_array
                                            (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);

Lookup a named subarray member of a structure, returning a reference to the GskXmlrpcArray result, or NULL.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
Returns : a reference (not a copy!) to the array, or NULL.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_string ()

const char* gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_string   (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name);

Lookup a named string member of a structure, returning the result, or NULL.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
Returns : the string value, or NULL.

gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_int32 ()

gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_struct_peek_int32    (GskXmlrpcStruct *structure,
                                             const char *member_name,
                                             gint32 *out);

Lookup a named int32 member of a structure, storing the result, if any, in out.

structure : the structure to lookup the member of.
member_name : the value to retrieve.
out : place to store the result.
Returns : whether there was an int32 member named member_name.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_new ()

GskXmlrpcArray* gsk_xmlrpc_array_new        (void);

Allocate a new, empty array.*

Returns : the newly allocated arrays.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_free ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_free           (GskXmlrpcArray *array);

Free the array and all its values.

array : the array to free.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_int32 ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_int32      (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gint32 value);

Append an integer to an XMLRPC array.

array : array to which to append a value.
value : integer value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_boolean ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_boolean    (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gboolean value);

Append a boolean to an XMLRPC array.

array : array to which to append a value.
value : boolean value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_double ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_double     (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gdouble value);

Append a double-precision floating-pointer value to an XMLRPC array.

array : array to which to append a value.
value : double value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_string ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_string     (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             const char *value);

Append a string to an XMLRPC array.

array : array to which to append a value.
value : string value to append. This value is copied: we do not take ownership.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_date ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_date       (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             gulong value);

Append a string to an XMLRPC array.

array : array to which to append a value.
value : date/time value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_data ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_data       (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             GByteArray *data);

Append a binary-data element to an XMLRPC array. This take ownership of data.

array : array to which to append a value.
data : a byte array containing arbitrary binary-data. The XMLRPC array takes ownership of the data.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_struct ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_struct     (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);

Append a binary-data element to an XMLRPC array. This take ownership of substructure.

array : array to which to append a value.
substructure : structure to append to array. It will be freed by the array.

gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_array ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_array_add_array      (GskXmlrpcArray *array,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *subarray);

Append a binary-data element to an XMLRPC array. This take ownership of subarray.

array : array to which to append a value.
subarray : array to append to array. It will be freed by the array.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_new ()

GskXmlrpcRequest* gsk_xmlrpc_request_new    (GskXmlrpcStream *xmlrpc_stream);

Allocate a new request. At a very minimum, it should have a method name set with gsk_xmlrpc_request_set_name().

xmlrpc_stream :
Returns : a newly allocated request.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_ref ()

GskXmlrpcRequest* gsk_xmlrpc_request_ref    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request);

Increase the reference count on request.

request : the request to reference.
Returns : the request, for convenience.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_unref ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_unref        (GskXmlrpcRequest *request);

Decrease the reference count on request, and free it if the count reached 0.

request : the request to stop referencing.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_set_name ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_set_name     (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             const char *name);

Set the method name for this request.

request : the request whose method-name should be set.
name : the name of the method to invoke.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_int32 ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_int32    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gint32 value);

Append an integer to an XMLRPC request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : integer value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_boolean ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_boolean  (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gboolean value);

Append a boolean to an XMLRPC request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : integer value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_double ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_double   (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gdouble value);

Append a double to an XMLRPC request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : double value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_string ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_string   (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             const char *value);

Append a string to an XMLRPC request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : string value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_date ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_date     (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             gulong value);

Append a date to an XMLRPC request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : date value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_data ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_data     (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GByteArray *data);

Append binary data to an XMLRPC request (it will be base64 encoded transparently).

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
data : GByteArray to append: it shall be freed by the request, that is, there is a transfer of ownership.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_struct ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_struct   (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);

Add a structure as a parameter to the request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
substructure : structure to append to array. This will be freed by the request automatically: a transfer of ownership occurs in this function.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_array ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_add_array    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *array);

Add a structure as a parameter to the request.

request : request to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
array : array to append to request's parmeter list. This will be freed by the request automatically: a transfer of ownership occurs in this function.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_new ()

GskXmlrpcResponse* gsk_xmlrpc_response_new  (void);

Allocate a new response.

Returns : the newly allocated response which has no parameters and no fault.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_ref ()

GskXmlrpcResponse* gsk_xmlrpc_response_ref  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response);

Increase the reference count on response.

response : the response to reference.
Returns : the response, for convenience.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_unref ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_unref       (GskXmlrpcResponse *response);

Decrease the reference count on response, and free it if the count reached 0.

response : the response to stop referencing.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_int32 ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_int32   (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gint32 value);

Append an integer to an XMLRPC response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : integer value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_boolean ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_boolean (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gboolean value);

Append a boolean to an XMLRPC response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : integer value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_double ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_double  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gdouble value);

Append a double to an XMLRPC response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : double value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_string ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_string  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             const char *value);

Append a string to an XMLRPC response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : string value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_date ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_date    (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             gulong value);

Append a date to an XMLRPC response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
value : date value to append.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_data ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_data    (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GByteArray *data);

Append binary data to an XMLRPC response (it will be base64 encoded transparently).

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
data : GByteArray to append: it shall be freed by the response, that is, there is a transfer of ownership.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_struct ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_struct  (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *substructure);

Add a structure as a parameter to the response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
substructure : structure to append to array. This will be freed by the response automatically: a transfer of ownership occurs in this function.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_array ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_add_array   (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskXmlrpcArray *array);

Add a structure as a parameter to the response.

response : response to whose parameters a value shall be appended.
array : array to append to response's parmeter list. This will be freed by the response automatically: a transfer of ownership occurs in this function.

gsk_xmlrpc_response_fault ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_fault       (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskXmlrpcStruct *structure);

Indicate that an error occurred trying to process the XMLRPC request.

response : the response to affect.
structure : the fault information. This should be a struct with at most an integer 'faultCode' and a string 'faultString'.

gsk_xmlrpc_parser_new ()

GskXmlrpcParser* gsk_xmlrpc_parser_new      (GskXmlrpcStream *stream);

Allocate a new XMLRPC parser. A parser can parse both requests and responses.

stream :
Returns : the newly allocated parser.

gsk_xmlrpc_parser_feed ()

gboolean    gsk_xmlrpc_parser_feed          (GskXmlrpcParser *parser,
                                             const char *text,
                                             gssize len,
                                             GError **error);

Pass data into the XMLRPC parser.

If this works, gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_request() and/or gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_response() should be called as appropriate until there are no more messages to dequeue.

parser : the parser to give data.
text : the data to parse (it may just be a partial request).
len : the length of text, or -1 to use NUL-termination.
error : place to put the error object if the parsing has a problem.
Returns : TRUE if processing did not encounter an error.

gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_request ()

GskXmlrpcRequest* gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_request
                                            (GskXmlrpcParser *parser);

Get a parsed request from the list maintained by the parser.

parser : parser to try and get a parsed request from.
Returns : a reference to the request; the caller must call gsk_xmlrpc_request_unref() eventually.

gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_response ()

GskXmlrpcResponse* gsk_xmlrpc_parser_get_response
                                            (GskXmlrpcParser *parser);

Get a parsed response from the list maintained by the parser.

parser : parser to try and get a parsed response from.
Returns : a reference to the response; the caller must call gsk_xmlrpc_response_unref() eventually.

gsk_xmlrpc_parser_free ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_parser_free          (GskXmlrpcParser *parser);

Free the memory associated with the parser.

parser : the parser to free.

gsk_xmlrpc_request_to_buffer ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_request_to_buffer    (GskXmlrpcRequest *request,
                                             GskBuffer *buffer);

request :
buffer :

gsk_xmlrpc_response_to_buffer ()

void        gsk_xmlrpc_response_to_buffer   (GskXmlrpcResponse *response,
                                             GskBuffer *buffer);

Write the XML corresponding to this response to the buffer.

response : the XMLRPC response to serialize.
buffer : the buffer to append to.

See Also
